Dear friends!!! I am in a very difficult situation. I am 52 years old, I live in Ukraine. I have not been able to find any work for the second year, there is simply none near me. Even before the war, the situation was completely different, and now there is simply no work. Financial the situation has become simply critical - there is no salary, no help from the state, no pension. I have also gone into debt. Please help me in any way, because because of the war I cannot get out of this situation by myself, and there is no work near me and no income at all none... They won't take me to the war because of my health either. Don't be deaf to my trouble, please help, whatever you can, I'm begging
Dear friends!!! I am in a very difficult situation. I am 52 years old, I live in Ukraine. I have not been able to find any work for the second year, there is simply none near me. Even before the war, the situation was completely different, and now there is simply no work. Financial the situation has become simply critical - there is no salary, no help from the state, no pension. I have also gone into debt. Please help me in any way, because because of the war I cannot get out of this situation by myself, and there is no work near me and no income at all none... They won't take me to the war because of my health either. Don't be deaf to my trouble, please help, whatever you can, I'm begging
Дорогой друг! Звучит Благая Весть! Остановись, послушай...
Иисус Христос, Сын Божий, 2000 лет назад умер за твои и мои грехи на Голгофском Кресте и Воскрес в третий день по Писаниям ради спасения наших душ от смерти и ада. Покайся перед Господом, дорогой человек, и веруй в Бога через Иисуса Христа! И по вере твоей в любовь и жертву Спасителя ради нас - ты получишь прощение грехов твоих, какими бы тяжкими они ни были, спасение от вечного осуждения и дар Вечной Жизни на Небесах! Господь Иисус Христос грядёт, как и было обещано Им, Он уже при дверях. Бог бесконечно любит тебя..!
«Ведь Бог так полюбил этот мир, что отдал Своего единственного Сына, чтобы каждый верующий в Него не погиб, но имел
Подскажите приблизительно в какое время и числа происходит закрытие сезона в этом отели. Может кто знает
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