Hurmatli, ishtirokchilar. Sizni intellektual viktorinamizga taklif etamiz. Natijalarni hafta ohirida e'lon qilamiz. Faol ishtirok eting. Dear, subscribers, and student. We are really happy to inform you that we are just about to start our intellectual contest. Everybody is welcome to take part in the contest. Questions will be about history, geography, cinema, science and etc. Periodically we will announce the results and rankings. So, come and show your abilities.
Marshall Bruce Mathers III is the King of ...? Marshal Bryus Meters III - ... qiroli?
1930 yilgacha eng baland hisoblangan bino qaysi? Which building was the tallest one until 1930?
Buyuk Britaniyaning "duduq" qiroli kim bo'lgan? Who was the stammering King of the United Kingdom?
Bu ikki mashxur ixtirochilar Tomas Edison va Ilon Masklarni qaysi yana bir mashxur familiya bog'laydi? What famous name binds geniuses like Thomas Edison and Elon Musk?
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