True RussiaN

This song is quite controversial:)) The term "Вежливые люди" ("polite people") have recently acquired a figurative meaning. It refers to all the Russian military men (or soldiers) who took part in the reunification of the Crimea with Russia. Try to find the conjugated forms of the verbs in the first verse of the song. Key words: лЮди (lyUdee - people) взгляд (fsglyat - look (n.)) прОсто (prOsta - just) вЕжливо (vyEzhleeva - politely) вЕжливый (vyEzhleevyi - polite (masculine), vyEzhleevyiye (plural)) смотрЕть (infinitive form) (smatryEt` - to look) просИть (infin.) (praseEt` - to ask) стоЯть (infin.) (stayAt` - to stand) носИть (infin.) (naseEt` - to carry) орУжие ( aroOzheeye - arms (weapon

True RussiaN

День семьИ, любвИ и вЕрности появИлся благодарЯ мУромскому кнЯзю ПетрУ и егО женЕ ФеврОнии, котОрые жИли в XIII вЕке. The Day of Family, Love and Loyalty appeared due to the Duke of Murom Pyotr and his wife Fevronia, who lived in XIII century. ОнИ стАли образцАми супрУжеской вЕрности, взаИмной любвИ и семЕйного счАстья ещЕ при жИзни. They became the examples of marital loyalty, mutual love and family happiness while alive. По легЕнде, онИ Умерли в одИн день, а их телА, полОженные в рАзных местАх, чудЕсным Образом оказАлись в однОм гробУ. As per the legend, they died on the same day, and their corpses, buried in different places, miraculously turned out to be in one coffin. Эту семЕйну

True RussiaN

The real heroes on this Day and always are veterans (ветерАны - vyetyerAny). I want to thank all the veterans who took part in the Great Patriotic War!!! СпасИбо Вам!!! (Thank you to You!!!) In the second picture: My grandfather (from my mother`s line) (дЕдушка - dyEdushka) Pasha died when I was only 5 years old. But I will remember him always. In the third picture: НиктО не забЫт, ничтО не забЫто! ( NeektO nye zabYt, nishtO nye zabYta! - No one is forgotten - Nothing is forgotten!)

True RussiaN

English true version of the song: As the morning mist over the river Fills the blooming orchards far and wide And the trees with a morning chill still quiver, Catherine walks out to the riverside. She comes singing songs about an eagle Soaring proudly in the sky above And the one in the service of his people Whom young Catherine genuinely loves. May her songs fly over the valley Rising high to ring out loud and clear. May they follow her letters she can't tally To that soldier on the far frontier. He will see her standing by the water. He will hear her songs from up above. As he keeps vigil to protect our borders, His sweet Catherine will preserve their love. As the morning mist over the
Catherine (Soviet Songs in English)
830 просмотров

True RussiaN

RUSSIAN LYRICS: РАсцветали Яблони и грУши, ПоплылИ тумАны над рекОй. ВЫходила на берЕг КатЮша, Hа высОкий бЕрег, на крутОй. ВЫходила, пЕсню заводИла Про степнОго сИзого орлА, Про тогО, котОрого любИла, Про тогО, чьи пИсьма береглА. Ой ты, пЕсня, пЕсенка девИчья, Ты летИ за Ясным сОлнцем вслед И бойцУ на дАльнем погранИчье От КатЮши передАй привЕт. Пусть он вспОмнит дЕвушку простУю, Пусть услЫшит, как она поЁт. Пусть он зЕмлю бережЁт роднУю, А любОвь КатЮша сбережЁт. РАсцветали Яблони и грУши, ПоплылИ тумАны над рекОй. ВЫходила на берЕг КатЮша, Hа высОкий бЕрег, на крутОй https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GL7kf_SH2D0

True RussiaN

6 million people are considered to be unaccounted for (пропАвшие без вестИ - propAfshiye byez vyesteE) after the Great Patriotic War... This song reflects the anxiety and worries of a loving girl KatyUsha (endearing/affectionate form of Katya) who waits her sweetheart to return. The name of the song has double meaning: today, the name Katyusha is also associated with the name of the Russian superior missile combat systems. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mowe4ojo_iY

True RussiaN

Public Life Victory Day is a national holiday in Russia. Public offices, schools and most businesses are closed for the celebrations. There may be changes in public transport routes due to parades and street performances. Neighborhood schools may host a program prepared by the students, featuring wartime songs and poetry. At home, families gather around a festive table to honor surviving witnesses of World War II and remember those who passed away. They may also watch a favorite Soviet film based on the events of World War II, which is also known as the Great Patriotic War. These films are repeated each year but the audience seems to never grow tired of them:))

True RussiaN

Common symbols of Victory Day (сИмволы Дня ПобЕды - seemvoly Dnya PabyEdy) in Russia are: St. George ribbon (Георгиевская ленточка - GyeOrgeeyevskaya lyEntachka) – people wear this two - coloured black-and-orange ribbon on their clothes or tie it to car antennas as a sign of respect and remembrance. Order of the Patriotic War (О́рден Оте́чественной войны́ - Ordyen Atyechestvyennoy vayny) – a military distinction for heroic deeds and bravery of Soviet soldiers. Red carnations (крАсные гвоздИки - krAsnye gvazdeEkee) – blood red is the color of the Soviet flag under which the veterans had fought. Laying an even number of red carnations at war memorial sites signifies mourning and remembrance.

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Background Victory Day (День Победы - DyEn` PabyEdy) marks Germany’s surrender to the Soviet Union in 1945. It became the end of the Great Patriotic War for the USSR, which lost about 25 million citizens in the four years of fighting. Interestingly, until its 20th anniversary (May 9, 1965), Victory Day was not a major holiday, unlike, for instance, May 1, and was considered a work day. Apart from the anniversaries in 1965 and 1985, Victory Day celebrations in the Soviet Union did not feature a military parade. This tradition started in 1995. Some snapshots of the main Parade in the Red Square from RT (Russia Today)

True RussiaN

I think this is one of the most touching ( I can`t help crying when I listen to it) and popular songs about the Day of Victory. I want to share this song with you. It will help you to understand the atmosphere of the Day. Текст песни Лев Лещенко - День Победы День ПобЕды ! День ПобЕды, как он был от нас далЁк, Как в кострЕ потУхшем тАял уголЁк. БЫли вЁрсты, обгорЕлые, в пылИ, - Этот день мы приближАли как моглИ. Этот День ПобЕды ПОрохом пропАх, Это прАздник С сединОю на вискАх. Это рАдость Со слезАми на глазАх. День ПобЕды ! День ПобЕды ! День ПобЕды ! Дни и нОчи у мартЕновских печЕй Не смыкАла нАша РОдина очЕй. Дни и нОчи бИтву трУдную велИ - Этот день мы приближАли как моглИ. Этот День Поб
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