жаха -2020

manashu guruh egasini kim biladi? ??

жаха -2020

hello !!!!!

My English

Exercises for the 9-unit. Exercise 1. Match the illnesses with a possible treatment. Go to the dentist. Take an aspirin. Go to hospital. Go to bed with a hot drink. Illness-> a headache________<- treatement. Toothache____________ A heart attack_________ A cold__________

My English

Treatement-davolash. Treat- davolamoq. I get hay fever every summer from flowers and grass. I sneeze all day. Men har yozda ösimlik va gullardan bezovta bölaman. Yani ösimlik changi kasalligiga chalinaman. Kun böyi aksiraman. My little brother has asthma, sometimes he can't breathe. Kichkina ukamning astmasi bor, bazida nafas ola olmaydi. In some countries, mosquites can give people malaria. Bazi qishloqlarda chivinlar odamlarga bezgak kasalligini tarqatadi. The drinking water was bad, and many children had cholera. Ichimlik suvi yomon bölgan edi, va köp bolalar vabo kasalligiga chaliniwdi. Every year cancer kills many people who smoke. Har yili chekadigan odamlarni rak kasalligi öldiradi.

My English

9-darsni davomi. Everyday problems. Kundalikli muammolar! 1. Have you got an aspirin? Sizda aspirin bormi? I've got a headache. Meni boshim og'riyapti. HEADACHE/hedeik/ bosh og'rig'i. I'VE GOT TOOTHACHE. I need to go to the dentist. Tishim og'riyapti. Men tish doktoriga borishim kerak. Toothache/ tu;zeik/ tish og'rig'i. Dentist- tish shifokori. I'M going to bed with a hot drink. I've got a cold. Men issiq ichimlik ichib uxlamoqchiman. Men sovqatiyapman. Cold-shamollash.

My English

9-dars. Health and illness. Sog'liq va kasalliklar. 1.How are yot today? Bugun qandaysiz? I'm very well,thanks. I'm fine, thanks. Men yaxwiman rahmat. I don't feel very well-özimni juda yaxwi his qilmayapman/ahvolim yaxwimas. I must go home and rest.- men uyga boriwim va dam oliwim kerak. I feel ill- men özimni kasal seziyapman. CAN YOU GET A DOCTOR, PLEASE? DOKTORGA BORA olasizmi? Perhaps it's a serious problem- balki bu jiddiy muammodir. That fish was bad. I think i'm going to be sick! Ösha baliq yomon edi. Menimcha kasal bölaman shekilli. I WANT TO VOMIT- QAYT QILGIM KELIYAPTI.
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