Millions of Brits overspend at Christmas, leaving them in financial difficulty come the New Year. #IrwinConsulting #management #InSingapore #planning #japan #solutions
One in three American adults has nothing saved for retirement — here's how to change that. #IrwinConsulting #management #planning #solutions #InSingapore #AndTokyo #japan
Many of us enter January financially stretched. Lots of people overspend at Christmas and those paid monthly have to wait five weeks to be paid. #IrwinConsulting #management #planning #solutions #InSingapore #AndTokyo #japan
Whenever things are going really well — as is the case right now on Wall Street and probably in your retirement portfolio — it's only natural to want to leave things be. #IrwinConsulting #management #planning #solutions #singapore #tokyo #japan
Retirement security is a holy grail that many investors chase. A recent AARP survey revealed that 74 percent of private sector workers are anxious about having enough money to live comfortably in retirement. #IrwinConsulting #management #InSingapore #planning #solutions #AndTokyo #japan
A friend recently asked if I would invest $10,000 for him. I shrugged it off but he proceeded to tell me that he needed to make a quick buck to pay for some medical expenses he was about to incur... #IrwinConsulting #management #planning #solutions #InSingapore #AndTokyo #japan
To make your retirement years truly golden, understand what may be coming your way. #IrwinConsulting #management #planning #solutions #InSingapore #AndTokyo #japan
“Happiness,” it’s been said, “is like a butterfly. The more you chase it, the more it will evade you.” In other words, by actively pursuing a happy state, you reduce your chances of achieving it. That may be true from a philosophical standpoint, but when it comes to retirement planning, new research suggests there may in fact be specific steps you can take to enjoy a more rewarding post-career life. Researchers from The American College, Eastern New Mexico University, and Texas Tech looked at financial, lifestyle and other data on 1,526 retirees to see what makes for a more satisfying retirement. When it comes to having a more enjoyable retirement, the experiences of older Americans shows #IrwinConsulting #management #planning #solutions #InSingapore #AndTokyo #japan
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